Golden handcuffs drive me to drink
Trigger warning: I have a lot of privilege and I'm about to whine.
I hate my job, but it pays all the bills. My spouse's job does not pay the mortgage, let alone the groceries, power, etc. I have a history of using substances to block my unhappiness, and in a previous life I would just get a new job, but now I'm stuck. If I quit, we would need to move and downsize our lives. My oldest is in middle school and can't even handle the day-to-day, let alone a major move (this is also a reflection of my trauma: my parents made a major move the summer of my 7th-8th grade year and I never got over it). I was sober from 2021-2023 with this same job, but slipped back into the bottle for many (and no good) reasons. I'm determined to not drink again. But I need to find something inside myself that makes my situation ok. I was in therapy in my first sobriety stint, but did not make enough progress, I guess. If you've been someplace similar, please tell me about it!