Stopping drinking makes me want to nuke other parts of my life too, anyone else?
Each time I sober up for real (more than 3-4 days), I always get this "itch" about all the other things I want to change in my life. My "why" for drinking has always been escape and to turn down the volume of life and the noise in my head (I might have A/AuDHD).
Here I am again. I am only 6 days in, but I feel so good and have so much energy, I just want to blow up everything and ride this wave. I dislike my job to a pretty high degree, I'm debating ending a longterm close friendship, I've got terrible cabin fever living in my tiny, rainy, isolated small town, but it is all easier to just keep on keeping on when I'm in the cycle of being drunk or hungover. Past sober attempts have led to other rash decisions (tbf so did many binge cycles).
Does anyone else get this feeling? How do you handle it? How do I know when it is legitimately time for change vs. just me being restless with all this new energy?