Stroke recovery stories
My mother in law recently had a stroke she is in her 60s and lost mobility in her right side as of now she moves her left and is starting to say some words and phrases but she seems to forget at times who people are. She’s been in the hospital ICU for over a week but slower getting better little by little compared to the first day. My husband is having such a hard time and I am by his side as much as I can. I’m just wondering if anyone has any similar experience or recovery stories. I try to remind him to remain hopeful for her recovery but it gets hard at times. I know most people don’t get along with their mother in law but mine is heaven sent and I love her so much. I guess I’m just looking for stories regarding recovery to get a feel for what we can expect. She didn’t have a husband and only has only my husband and his brother but we will be watching over her at our home.