Deciding where to study abroad

Hello everyone, I am a sophomore student just finishing up my first semester going into my second one here in a few months. I plan to study abroad in the fall 2025. my only issue is where do I want to go. I was hoping some people with more experience or similar personality traits to mine would help me out here.

Currently I am a computer science major, I speak both English and Spanish proficiently but I wouldn't mind learning other languages. Naturally I am very shy and introverted but for some reason I enjoy more urban settings these days compared to more nature oriented outings. places like japan and south Korea interest me a lot especially their nightlife. to sum it up suppose I would be looking for something innovative, urban, night life area.

Currently on my list I have Germany,South Korea,Italy. but i am open to considering other options.
If anyone could give me ideas or discussion that would be much appreciated.