Succulent noob, what am I doing wrong?

Hi! I'm pretty new to succulents and so far it's the only thing I seem to be able to keep alive. ): but I'm hoping to get better at this! The first pic is my current collection, the 2 in the back/left in small containers are new.

Pics 2, 3, and 4 I've had for about a year but haven't grown at all. A few of them have a kind of rot on the leaves? The Debbie in particular looks rough to me.

Pic 5 is my small collection of survivers 😭 these I've had over 4 years now. I bought them (unknowingly) from one of those variety containers. A lot of the others died, these ones have stuck around and have grown just a bit.

Other info: Southern CA West facing window Kept outdoor Watering: sporatic... a few months ago once a week or every other week. More recently every 2-3 days when it's warm out.