What a weird, weird episode...
I mean, typical constants with Sai putting her foot in her mouth after losing reward and generally annoying her tribe but 3 bizarre things happened and I couldn't tell if it was amateur gameplay or what..
1) Bianca....why? You were good....you were safe....what was the point?
2) Cedric telling Krissy (and obviously only Krissy) about Bianca and being willing to split his side's vote.....dangerous.
3) And finally Krissy BELIEVING Cedric that Bianca has no vote, even more baffling (even though it was true) and Krissy also willing to split her tribe's vote, again, dangerous.
I was shocked when Cedric split the vote, but I also feel he wouldn't be too heartbroken to lose Sai, but for Krissy to be like "ok, I believe you Cedric"...that was crazy. Wonder what Mitch thought