Sand Filter spider gasket

Hi all, we recently purchased a home with a salt water pool. The maintenance is all new to me. The condition we got the pool in was basically green water, we've since had a guy come out and fix (also turned out my chlorinator wasn't working so recently installed a new one) all seemed to be working fine. Yesterday I decided to backwash the filter and give it a clean, following a backwash runtime of about 4 minutes followed by a rinse of 1 minute. Since returning the valve to filter, I've noticed water is still travelling through the waste pipe. After looking online seems, I've re rinsed the filter, turned the valve clockwise and anti clockwise and still occurring, I've narrowed it down to the spider gasket, on opening the valve the gasket didn't look anywhere near what I saw in the YouTube videos of some they replace, actually looked quiet new, I did notice however there were 2 areas where it wasn't sitting correctly. Do I just glue these back in place or will I need a complete new gasket? Any other advice would be much appreciated.