SWTOR "Official" Unofficial Soundtrack Rip.

Back Story:

In 2014, I researched how to extract audio from SWTOR's data files. I really wanted to hear some of the music and audio quotes. I then saw a post about someone else working on extracting the music on the Final Fantasy Shrine Forums Video Game music section. I spoke to him saying I was interested in the same thing and I basically took over from where he left off, using his data to compare with my extracted files. The data was collected by "SWTOR fan" and worked on by "desarenezitic". The music files no longer have official names like they did during beta. So, I renamed the files back to names similar to the beta names. I posted my official completed work to a thread in that forum about a year and a half ago. I figured it has been there exclusively long enough and a release to Reddit was in order. I mainly didn't want to re-upload the files over and over again incase they got reported, so that was why I kept them in a closed forum.

Random facts about SWTOR music files

  • Bioware has duplicates of the music in the game files. Not every file, but maybe 30% of the tracks are doubles. Some tracks are duplicated up to 4 times. They really like to waste our hard drive space. Duplicates are not included in this release.
  • Some music which was originally made for just a certain area, now plays in other areas. A good example would be the Galactic Starfighter music. Now that can be heard in areas such as The Black Hole as well. This can make it hard to identify music and give it proper names.
  • With the release of 4.0, they duplicated even more music for our hard drives. These tracks weren't exactly the same though. They were just mostly main planet themes which had their volumes increased. I believe these are all the themes that play in our new Oddessin home base area since Oddessin doesn't have its own music.

Info about release:

With these new file names, it is easier to find the music you might be looking for. For example battle music is typically named "action_highintesity" while the Flashpoint/PvP/Operations loading music is typically named "action_lowinstensity". Another example would be planetary themes and they start with "regionevent". In the case where the file names are the same I numbered them based upon the file’s duration in descending order (the longest music track being number 1 and so on) File names have only been given to all 1.0 music tracks and some 2.x names. I did have a plan to attempt to give all tracks a name, but I sort of lost motivation. So, in the SWTOR 2.0 - 3.2 file there are 3 folders: Renamed, Identified, and Unidentified. I have not updated the names in the zip files in a year, but I do have notes and I would love more info from any of you reddit SWTOR music fans. If you have any info about an unidentified track, post a reply! Once I make enough progress, I can upload a new copy of the 2.0 - 4.x zip files. Below with the download links, you can find my Google Spreadsheet link which indicates my progress.

Update 9.06.2016 New download links A few naming/organizational changes have been made in "SWTOR 2.0 - 3.2" and newly extracted music has been added to "SWTOR 4.0 - 4.7". This includes 117 new music tracks that have been added throughout Game Update 4.1 through 4.7. And finally, a new archive was created for just the ambient SFX tracks. Most of them are just wind sound effects.

Update 8.21.2022 New download links I have finally extracted the new music from Game Update 7.0 – 7.1 to include it with my game music rip. I made a new post for this, but Reddit doesn't seem to want to show the links, so I will try to post this as an edit. I updated the tags in the files from 2.0+.

Google Spreadsheet of Music Tracks: Updated on 8/21/2022 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CjtyHaNKQaw5pJQHx2jhVnAumctUKXxQnTsx-UVBk5w/edit?usp=sharing

Music Download Links:

SWTOR 1.x Part 1 Music: https://mega.co.nz/#!yJ4BQC4J!mSJs0AVur-MnA7fxSshD_2VNu8KVcXUPZ0cgbpjzhz0

SWTOR 1.x Part 2 Music: https://mega.co.nz/#!qM4ByIaT!HLTS-0AEpVD7MVKWv8D8GNbG6vm2i_cvuVKRaEMYS4s

SWTOR 2.0 - 3.x Music: https://mega.nz/file/KBIlFLJJ#c2pGCCHUha6OQXFE0HEfbiCa2XSGt8UQJpJ1jM8Tx30

SWTOR 4.0 - 4.x Music: https://mega.nz/file/fZJhiB4b#cTuQNX20ijALEQ788AshU-PEz664ypzoLEP55GFJsIA

SWTOR 5.0 – 7.x Music: https://mega.nz/file/iBx2yLYQ#R-TwDvgdXlrrY8c4fJxa2j6uYA9FgBCAxz995N5S-yg

SWTOR Ambient SFX 1.x - 5.0: https://mega.nz/#!uM5D3IJZ!HHu6LZvZ9eCxAkrwKcl4Q90--61xWAG7Y0xb1ZpGE_s

My other SWTOR Projects:

SWTOR Dialog Extraction (up to Game Update 7.1)

Google Sheet of SWTOR dialog extraction https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eaW9w0NEKr_jZiGoYupNfxr16YC8AXhw0P38Gwdwph4/edit?usp=sharing

Dialog ZIP archives:


These are general vocal SFX (grunts, laughs, etc). Sorry no spreadsheet of this. I started this project and then told someone else (Iron-E) how to finish it. As far as I know they extracted all SFX, but I only wanted to keep the vocal SFX for my collection.

SWTOR Boss Battle Barks Music Mixes

I started to put together the music tracks from boss encounters. Then I would mix in the dialog to make it sound like a nice mix. Obviously, I never finished. Maybe some day.