Pants with Built-in Knee Pads

Hey folks,

I'm looking to buy a pair of tactical/cargo pants for work that have built in knee pads. I work at a children's hospital so I'm not looking for anything with visible knee pads like the Crye G3 pants because I don't want to be that guy but I also hate getting into restraints and my knees absolutely killing me.

I currently have 5.11 Stryke pants which apparently have built in pockets for internal pockets for knee pads but I'm struggling to come across a set that would fit them well other than the 5.11 ones which I've heard are awful. I'm looking at the Carhartt XRD Knee Pads but I've never heard of someone using them with 5.11 pants. I can only buy them online and if I'm being 100% honest, I absolutely hate having to do online returns so I want to avoid having to do that.