Do people pick fights with you a lot?
I thought it was in my flair, but I'm 6ft, 250lbs (mostly fat, working on replacing that with muscle to much success) and female, if that makes a difference.
Last Wednesday, I got grabbed by the arm in a gas station parking lot. I dealt with it and I'm fine, but this kind of stuff happens a lot. Pretty much once every several months, some kind of incident will happen and I'm used to it at this point.
I was talking to my coach about it (boxing, MMA, etc.) and he said I shouldn't be used to it, but it makes sense why I am. I asked him what he meant and he said "people like to start shit with people like us to make themselves feel better, like an ego boost"
He said he gets it cuz he's "short" and I get it cuz I'm "big".
It's got me thinking about all the random shit I've dealt with and I wonder if that explains a lot.
So does anyone else get messed with a lot, even when they're not even talking or messing with anyone?