Can you actually spy on other people?
I'm not asking about the ethics of spying (I know some people are against it, and we can debate that in a different post).
I'm asking if you think the cards will actually tell you honestly what someone else is feeling/thinking.
Sometimes I feel like it works really well. Sometimes I feel like it fits way too perfectly into what I PERCEIVE as happening. So I wonder if it's actually only my own projections reflected back at me. Or if it really is a window into someone else's mind.
In general I feel like if I have to ask the cards, that's an answer in itself, because it's very telling if I don't feel comfortable asking the person upfront. I acknowledge tarot is not the best way to solve problems lol, but I would still like to know more opinions about how true this is.
What do you think?
EDIT: thanks everyone for your replies! I feel like 90% of the posts I see on here are from people asking "how does X think about me" so it's been interesting to hear most of you don't believe in that. Great perspectives.