Laptop Keyboard's z and x keys working erratically.
Dear u/daddy_spez,
Lately my z and x keys have suddenly stopped working. If I press them a lot they will suddenly start working again for a few seconds, and then go back to not working again. I've ended up having this ritual now where I have to alternate between them, and sometimes "C" too to get it to work for what I need for a little bit. I can very rarely use the undo short cut even if I get the key working again and the cut short cut only sometimes works. Here's what me trying to get it to start up working looks like: cccccccc-cccxzczxxxcxzxzc-xzc-xzzxxxcxcxxzxcxzcxzcxzczzxzc-xxczxzcxzcxzczzxcxxcxzxzcxzcxxxcxcxzzzxczxczxczxcxzxczxczzxczxzcxzcx Some "-" got stuck in too, but I didn't press any of them which leads me to believe there's something off about the connection of the keyboard. I tried uninstalling drivers, cleaning with air, checking for hardware changes in device manager, using the troubleshooter and nothing came up. I have an ASUS TUF Gaming A15 laptop, and it looks like getting into the keyboard would be a little more of a hassle than for other computers, so I wanted to know the best course of action to take when I opened it up to see what's wrong. Or, possibly, if it's something I can do without directly getting in there.