How do I “go back in the closest”

So basically I’m 14 (almost 15) and I’ve been dating this girl for almost a year. People have suspected I’m homo for all of middle school and I’ve somewhat denied it but never that much. Then ppl started talking abt me and my very out and proud gf (grade above me, part of the “gsa,” wears a gay bracelet, talks abt being gay) and it’s hard to deny that we’re dating bc someone sent a photo of us making out in the library to the whole grade, and I accidentally gave her a hickey and we didn’t realize until everyone saw it ://. Also it doesn’t help that when this dude was being creepy to her I punched him and gave him a bloody nose, and in turn he gave me a black eye. I want to somehow stop ppl from thinking I’m homo when high school starts in two weeks but I don’t wanna break up with my girlfriend. Is there a way to do that? I will literally lose all my friends if ppl still think I’m homo, I rly need advice