Assholes can really ruin a good day

Today was my second day back to school, and it was going pretty great until my homeroom class where I was assigned a seat right next to someone I hate from last year. He's a total creep and jerk. That rude guy who yelled the hard r in the middle of the hallway (he is white as can be), comments on girls bodies, and is just a crappy person (homophobic, racist, ableist, pretty misogynistic ect)

Then at the table over from us is one of his friends. She's just as bad, a total pick me, and one of the people who got the cops called on our bus a few years ago.

I was already a little stressed but not enough to give me any real trouble, until I got to that class. I was trying to participate in the group discussion, but they were just being rude the whole time and making fun of me and just being shitty people. I already have really bad anxiety and depression, to the point I almost killed myself earlier this year, and that triggered it today. I had a panic attack and had to be picked up early, on the second day of school.

I asked the teacher to move seats but she's not gonna be here for the next 2 weeks so I'm pretty much fucked, which sucks since I was actually really excited for this class.

On a better note though, in my ASL class I already have my fingerspelling pretty down so I can spell my name, and I have first period with the girl I'm planning to ask to me my girlfriend soon (she likes me back, which I'm still happy about.)