should i catch a stray/feral cat?

theres a cat in my area who is clearly no ones cat. hes scrappy, dirty and 100% not neutered (which all of the owned cats i know of have no balls) and i am scared for him. i know some of the creatures in my area and i know some of them would purposely hurt him for the fun of it. hes very shy though. ive tried to let him come to me when i was out once and he didnt but he let me get pretty close without sprinting away. i grew up with cats and he seemed scared but he didnt seem like he wanted to attack me. ive been seeing him more often and he seems more friendly every time. i may try and feed him before trapping if i do end up doing that. i know my cousin traps and fixes cats in her area where theres a load of cats and i think shes only got like 2 litters of babies and like 2 actual adult cats. plus, in her area theres a ton of babies and even though kittens are adorable, its dangerous for them in the wild especially where i live. my other concerns (more for the neighborhood) is mice. yes, there is a bunch of other felines there but there is a lot of cheese bois and they cute but like they are NOT good for us. anyway, if any of you are curious, i named him Mr Stripes (ik is not too creative but like i made it up on the fly the first close encounter i had with him to call him something) and hes a grey tabby on the top and has a white face belly and legs and hes pretty tiny. i dont have a picture of him at the moment (sry), and i do need you guys opinion on this. i will post updates on the bean on what i do.