My guy best friend and I might have a problem
So basically, at the new school term (January I guess) I (F) met a guy in my class He'd missed the first term cause of stuff. I'm not spilling. Anyway, that was my first time seeing him, since I'm a new student, and we hit it off immediately. We have so much in common and are in ALL the same classes.
I only like him as a friend, but I feel like he might like me. Anyway, he likes to pet my head, and I feel like that's too intimate, especially since I don't wanna lead him on.
I explained that to him in a text, and he got the message. Though I feel like there are somethings that are left unresolved. For context, I said that I'm fine with my other (female) friends, who I've known since September, touch me, cause we're naturally closer, but he might have thought that I don't care about him. I cleared that up, but it's still sorta weird...
Help.... I don't wanna stop being friends, cause he's a nice guy. I just don't want a relationship at all.