I js found out my brother goes on random suicide notes on reddit and encourages them to do it..
I’m genuinely concerned
Edit: It wasn't letting me edit my post at first, so let me clear a few things up. He’s my older brother, not younger, my parents already know, he does it bc he thinks its funny, and I think he does it bc of my oldest brother (influence ig). And to those saying to beat him up, I’m weaker than him, and he’s the one that usually beats me up😭
What I mean by he does it bc of my oldest brother is that I think my eldest brother is a psycho or smth. He once told my brother (the one that’s encouraging ppl to commit) that if he ever had the chance to kill him, he would. He’s a pathological liar. And he hits me and my sibling for fun (ig thats abuse)
My eldest brother is worse than the one that encourages ppl to do it
Update: I talked to my brother about it and he said he was joking..? Apparently he doesn’t actually do that and would never do that or whatever. I told him it wasn’t funny whatsoever and to stop making jokes like that, but he laughed it off and said, “K, buddy.” Which idrk what that means😖