Part.. whatever I’m up to.. S05 💃🍼🍑

  1. I do NOT remember Farrahs twiggy legs on that giant ass in S05.. at all. I feel like I’d remember seeing that full moon 🌝??

  2. Tyler looking the happiest I’ve ever seen him. He looks like a D-grade actor playing a douche in a strip club. No genuine erections, just cosplaying the part for da boyz niteee out in Detroit!

  3. I’d rather sit and have a conversation with Farrah about abortions and politics than ever, EVER call this temu popeye, bin juice drenched, UV index victim, neon teeth, stumpy, small dick degenerate predator “Daddy” 🤮

  4. Sorry to any offended but fuck Cate, so here she is after a feast of her cuticles having another breakdown and rejecting help while enabling Butch the abusive piece of shit and handing her infant off to him.

  5. Someone remind me what Macis job was in S05? Was she working an actual job?