Looking for good, multi-season dramas of a certain vibe
Looking to scratch a particular itch with shows of a particular vibe I've found I enjoy - especially for watching while working on art or craft projects (meaning, they can't be so intricately plotted or intense you can't look away from the screen or lose focus for a minute and lose the plot.) Shows like: Six Feet Under, The Affair, or Big Love, where the bulk of the "action" is about adult characters dealing with the problems of life in general, familial conflict and dynamics, multiple generations trying to understand each other, etc.
I'd prefer to avoid things that are too teen/high school drama focused, and I'm not a fan of sitcoms. Longer running shows preferred (at least 3-4 seasons?) so I get to really sink into the world of the characters and see them evolve and change through time. Also, even if the characters are complex/morally ambiguous, I like there to be at least one main character I feel like rooting for (vs. a show full of horrible/unlikeable people - so something like Succession is a no-go for me.)
Hit me with your recs that may have slipped under the radar! I'm almost done with The Affair and was considering This Is Us next. I have most streaming services available.