What's your favorite Time Hopping adventure to watch?
There are so many! Some a great for a singe view and gain little on another viewing some gain appreciation with every viewing as you notice more details (I put Tenet in this category. Even the palindrome name is brilliant).
For me I enjoy the 12 Monkies series. The thought that went into the storyline is mine boggling. Not just through the episode but how that episode connects with the season. How the seasons connect with the series. And how the ending connects with the beginning. I've watched it through 3 complete times. Sure some of the dialogue can be simplistic dare I say primitive but overall well worth the watch through. Even if you think it's a filler episode, there's something in it that will 100% come back up.
Side note: I'm pretty sure if time travel exists the rules for changing anything is very severe. However I bet there's a time travel vacation package where you get to write an episode of the Simpsons.