Lentil was attacked!

Fortunately he's okay, but I'm so cross. He was on his walk with his border terrier friend Lilly and we were walking up a gravel track on the Common when we saw a large border collie type dog. I think it was a cross breed because it had a curly tail. All the dogs were off lead. Lentil approached the collie thing (henceforth to be referred to as "wanker dog") very politely . Waggy tail, no bouncing, didn't get too close. Wanker dog's owner (henceforth to be known as wanker) nodded hello but said nothing initially. Suddenly wanker dog lunged at Lentil and attacked him. Lentil screamed an awful scream and ran into a ditch. Wanker said nonchalantly, "he's a rescue, I can't control him".

Lentil was whimpering and I had to pick him up. Lilly dog had bolted and was keeping a safe distance away. Wanker dog tried to go for Lentil again and wanker didn't apologise or try to restrain his dog. He then proceeded to show me the large scar on his hand from an injury he had receive from wanker dog.

I'm so cross. Poor little Lentil! If your dog is aggressive to other dogs and people why the F*CK isn't it on lead and muzzled? Lentil requires many boops and belly rubs. Pic of him recovering from the terrible trauma.

Fortunately he's okay, but I'm so cross. He was on his walk with his border terrier friend Lilly and we were walking up a gravel track on the Common when we saw a large border collie type dog. I think it was a cross breed because it had a curly tail. All the dogs were off lead. Lentil approached the collie thing (henceforth to be referred to as "wanker dog") very politely . Waggy tail, no bouncing, didn't get too close. Wanker dog's owner (henceforth to be known as wanker) nodded hello but said nothing initially. Suddenly wanker dog lunged at Lentil and attacked him. Lentil screamed an awful scream and ran into a ditch. Wanker said nonchalantly, "he's a rescue, I can't control him".

Lentil was whimpering and I had to pick him up. Lilly dog had bolted and was keeping a safe distance away. Wanker dog tried to go for Lentil again and wanker didn't apologise or try to restrain his dog. He then proceeded to show me the large scar on his hand from an injury he had receive from wanker dog.

I'm so cross. Poor little Lentil! If your dog is aggressive to other dogs and people why the F*CK isn't it on lead and muzzled? Lentil requires many boops and belly rubs. Pic of him recovering from the terrible trauma.