Proposal on how to improve casual.
In my recent posts I expressed how I think quickplay was a better system than casual. Now understandably alot of people disagreed with me citing that casual works very well nowadays.
So with this post I want to suggest some simple, easy to implement changes to casual that could possibly make everyone happy. Those who think that casual doesn't need many if any changes and those who are unhappy with the current system.
Global changes:
-allow for manual teamswitching -reimplement votescramble and autoscramble -tune auto balance to not rip up parties of less than 3 players (team stacking is still very annoying imo) -remove/move over the alternative gamemodes tab so these modes can more easily fill servers.
CTF changes:
-reimplement a map timer of 60 minutes (most of us don't want to play for 3 hours at a time)
Attack Defend/Koth:
-extend the round limit to need 3 wins to end a match. This could allow for longer matches for more gameplay and less waiting in between
imo CP and Payload don't need any changes. These gamemodes are usually very enjoyable as is despite the stalemates that are tbh map based for the most part.
Im curious what you guys think. Maybe with some of these changes everyone can find more enjoyment in casual while not removing it outright.