fat scout. actually maby having a niche. heavy will continue to struggle to catch up with ennemies. but atleest with the slught acuracy boost. he might be able to finish off a target thats retreating
yhea alr its a big one i suppose. but the point is to synergise with the hunts man. being good in a similar range. and while the huntsman can do high single target damage. this helps a bit in crowd control. dealing upto 70 damage if it hits on the way and back. but trades in the reliability of the SMG's amnd the power of jerate
battle medic but difrent! replacing the crosbow or syringe guns to bulk yourself up by alot. and make you better in mid lines as a attacker. while youre damage is fine. the BURST healing you can give while in the heat of battle can be strong while youre mediguns get alot better. making the uber last alot longer.