My Apple Music breakdown
I know everyone's posting these year end breakdowns but I wanted to jump in. I thought mine was interesting because, even though Zig was my top played album from January to August, my top album for the year was still Negative Spaces. I'm not someone who plays music much, mostly on my commute to and from work (about 32 minutes each way). So I was surprised when I was ranked in the top 100 listeners of Poppy on the platform! I also listen to 2000s pop rock a bit (Green Day, Paramore, My Chemical Romance) a few rappers (Childish Gambino, Eminem, Kindrek Lamar, Slump God) and some other metal (Ladrones, System of a Down, Butcher Babies) so I was a bit surprised the top genre was Alt.
I love seeing everybody's breakdowns!