What SMiLE songs do you think would fit on Smiley Smile as was? i.e. without changing up the arrangement/s to suit the Smiley vibe?
I actually think we have a lot of probable candidates, so lemme go song-by-song.
✅ Our Prayer: Y E S
✅ Gee: It’s just simplistic enough to fit on Smiley Smile imo.
❌ Heroes and Villains: I’m aware this (minus cantina) was slated for the album, but I do think it doesn’t really fit the vibe of Smiley Smile. I think it’s too maximalist, with instrumentation too elaborate and vocal arrangements too complex for Smiley Smile.
❌ Do You Like Worms: No. Although it’s not too far off——I can see the choruses, Bicycle rider overdubs and the Hawaiian section fit in the album like a glove. If they found a way to downscale the verses a bit, they’d have a song that, in my opinion, would fit the Smiley vibe perfectly.
✅ I’m in Great Shape: Those low-quality overdubbed vocals as heard in TSS would fit the album perfectly imo.
❌ Barnyard: I wanna say yes, because the “ooooooo” is ethereal. At the same time, I do think the instrumentation is a bit too elaborate for Smiley Smile… I’m aware I may catch strays for this tho.
✅ My Only Sunshine: BIG YES. The “You Are My Sunshine” part that’s sung in the minor key would fit in on Smiley Smile effortlessly. And the solitary cello in the beginning does work really well in Smiley, you must admit. Although with that false Barnyard ending, I think it’d be best placed as the finale to the album.
❌ Cabinessence: No. The chorus is too loud and invocative of tribal shouting music to fit in with the subtle vibes of Smiley. I love the song, but it’ll definitely clash with the minimalism of the rest of the album.
✅ Wonderful: I do think so, yes. The vocal arrangements and instrumentation are relatively toned down. I can see it being a Smiley Smile track, tho I will admit that the dedicated arrangement does fit better on the album.
❌ Look (Song for Children): That pounding organ is enough to make it a dealbreaker imo. Tho if that’s not enough for you the sonic cohesion should be.
❌ Child is the Father of the Man: No, although it’s just because of the choruses. The verses and that piano interlude in the middle would fit quite well I think.
❌ Surf’s Up: Absolutely not. Although I can see both the solo piano versions (both 1966 and 1967) work especially well on Smiley Smile.
✅ I Wanna be Around: Could work as a filler.
❌ Vega-Tables: No. The complexity of the vocal arrangements makes it a dealbreaker imo. Don’t believe me? Just go to “Smile Backing Vocals Montage” and listen from 5:57 onwards. You’ll be stunned by how sophisticated the arrangements are. And those are just the backing vocals!
✅ Holidays: Once again, could work as a filler. Especially the tag.
❌ Wind Chimes: No. The bombastic section is too much for Smiley imo.
❌ Fire: No. No explanation needed.
❌ I Love to Say Da-Da: No. I think the instrumentation is a bit too over-the-top for Smiley.
❌ Good Vibrations: I’m aware this was on the album, but I think it was just because not doing so would’ve been a record label deal-breaker. It just doesn’t fit, and the fact that it’s slap bang in the middle fucks with the flow of the album. And we all hate when flow is fucked with, don’t we?
What do y’all think?