did anapanasati for 330 out-breaths. still nothing. what am i doing wrong?

what am i doing wrong?

i did it lying down on my right side, hugging a bolster, from about 6.30am this morning.

out-breath.... "ONE".

out-breath.... "TWO".

out-breath.... "THREE".

all the way to 330, thats when i got bored/ tired/ gave up.

the only sankaras that i formed, were the english words for the numbers, for example the words "one" or "two" or "three" etc. (i didnt even sankara the "in-breath" or "out-breath".)

i definitely started to discern the texture of the breath, the temperature, the audio, etc.

i was half-observing, and half-controlling, the breaths, because i have no choice, i have slight breathing problems, so it has to be controlled.

it wasnt without stumbling, obviously.
a few times, my mind drifted off to other random thoughts, and/or i miss-counted the numbers, and just restarted from the nearest one i can remember, for example:
"oops. where was i at? uhmmm... i remember last saying 212 or 215... okay lets restart from 210 just to be safe."

there was this one moment where i was definitely aware that my body has "shut down", like as if it just went to sleep.

there was another moment also, where i felt whole body tingling sensations, like i was sprinkled with effervescent uhmmmm..... micro-bubbles? kinda nice feeling, i guess? is that sukkha? pitti?

i do remember being in a "Matrix"-like vision:
imagine an endless still vast ocean of which you cant see the left or right ends.
now imagine the same, upside down.
and im in the middle, at horizon-level, and that too, stretches out to infinity.
its ALL black though, including the "oceans".
so im not sure how i could discern there being the upside down ocean, and the downside down (normal) ocean being there.
or was i just creating that vision, out of my own imagination?

SOMETIMES, i can actually see my "nose", and even what seemed like "breath" coming in and out of it. KINDA.

what am i doing wrong?

whats the significance of any of this?

i DID remember, once in a while, asking myself, "is this when i start looking around for ANICCA? the causes of DUKKHA?" but of course, nothing happened/ i "saw" nothing, etc.

oh, sometimes i see these japanese-hebrew looking letters/ writings/ codes/ symbols in orangey-red, EXACTLY like the Matrix, when rays of light catches my eyelids, for example, a passing car's headlights. theyre crystal-clear, and i dont know ANY japanese nor hebrew, and no, theyre NOT japanese/ hebrew. they just look very similar.

kinda frustrating, that im still getting nowhere. :(