Neutral feeling about Sopranos
Firstly, I’ve only done 2 seasons. Just finished the second season the other night and haven’t begun season 3.
I think the show gives me mixed emotions. I can’t tell if it’s just slow meandering and not very interesting or the opposite. It’s like things are happening each episode but they’re also not.
Actually the thing I like most about is not the mafia side but rather the family side of things with the wife and kids.
However I have to say that there hasn’t really been a moment yet where I thought wow! And can see why it’s the greatest show of all time although there’s a lot left for me to watch but I have a feeling it will be more of the same.
Did anyone else have this thought when watching? I felt a bit similar when watching the Wire. Maybe too used to modern shows where things move fast.
No spoilers about anything ahead please.