Talandre update, current Western version

A lot of people are complaining that we got Talandre, and while at first, the Tier 2 gear was properly available everywhere, they suddenly changed it. Some say it's to slow us down so we don't run out of content too quickly.
But what if I told you—what about the Korean version? What do they have?

Since they’ve been releasing multiple things simultaneously for both versions recently anyway,
wouldn't it be simpler if the Korean and Western versions had the same content?
And then they could patch the Western version up to the Korean version’s level in a short time.
This would solve a lot of issues.

Back in the day, they even mentioned wanting to make a global version of the game—what happened to that?
And if they fell behind, why can't they now bring both versions to the same level?

Now that we also have Talandre, we’re not far behind the Korean version.
And those Dracorift mountain areas—they're not even in the Korean version yet.

Just make both versions equal.
It would be much easier for them because they’d only have to release one unified version of the game.
And it would be better for Western players too, since there wouldn’t be a way to just copy everything from the Koreans—everyone would experience everything at the same time, etc.

(Yes, I get that the Korean version might be slightly behind for a moment, but the Western version is the main focus anyway, since barely anyone plays it in Korea. And within 1-2 months, both versions would be at the same level, and that’s it.)