Historically accurate?? Idk

So- I was recently bored. Reallyyy bored. So, out of boredom, I started comparing certain stuff to my fav books and find head canons (just for me) that would be historically accurate (it was fun).

Buuut that was when I found out about eunuchs. Since the exact timeline in TGCF is not confirmed, I wasn't sure, but than I realised that eunuchs existed for a long time. A really long time. So looking timelien wise - they most likely do exist in TGCF, unless the author deleted their existence.

What I want to ask - what are the chances of the character Mu Qing being an eunuch?

I tried to find if anyone maybe had the same idea as me, but I only found two fanfics on Ao3 and it was all about this topic.

And him being an eunuch would make sense lore and historically wise.

So, does anyone shares my opinion?

EDIT: Nvm, I don't think it fits anymore. I can see the holes in my logic and missing facts. Next time I will try to not get overly hyped and do a way better proper reseach first before sharing?? Sorry?

EDIT 2: I'm sorry if I offended anyone?