TIFU by having a nosebleed during sex
Let me preface this by saying, I’m someone that has frequent nosebleeds. I’ve had them since I was a kid but they tend to be worse in the summer because of the A/C and allergies. I usually immediately know when my nose start bleeding, it’s become kind of a sixth sense. But tonight I was having sex with my boyfriend. Things were getting hot and heavy and I was on top of him. We were kissing and I suddenly stopped and realized my nose was bleeding a bit. When my eyes ajustes to the darkness, I saw a crime scene on the pillow. I told him to stop and that my nose was bleeding. When we opened the light, there was blood everywhere! On the 3 pillows, on my sheets, on my boyfriend, and on me. I was the one who was worse off, I looked like I had just killed someone. There was blood, all over my face, in my hair, on my arms, on my hands, everywhere! I felt so bad, this was literally one of my worse fears of what could happen during sex. Fortunately, he was not that phased with it, and said something along the lines of “these things happen, it’s okay”. While I was holding as still as possible pinching my nose because I didn’t want to get any blood on him or anything else. On top of everything, we had no tissues or toilet paper in the room, so my bf had to quickly put something on and go grab them from the bathroom while I was playing statue. (we live with other people so we can’t walk around naked lol) I know I can’t control a nosebleed and it was only an accident but I felt so bad!! I like keeping my blood to myself, and not put it on others let’s say. 😂 Things are okay now, although I have to leave to go, get these stains (Its kind of more than stains, like puddles lol) out of my pillowcases now!
TL;DR TIFU by getting a nosebleed during sex and creating a crime scene on my bed, my boyfriend and me because of it!
Edit: - After reading the comments, I now feel less alone because so many people have had the same experience. - For those of you who told me to see a doctor, I did go to one when a was younger (12 maybe) he gave me a gel to put it my nose, that helps it not be as dry and that helped. But they have been pretty bad recently, so I might go see a doctor again. My pressure has always been normal, even more often in the lower end than high. But thanks for all the tips! - Since some people seemed really pressed about me censoring words, I just edited it and uncensored them. I just wasn’t sure because Ive never posted on here and some subredddit want you to censor these words. I realized this morning that I left the title uncensored so that pretty funny.😂