TIFU by crashing my friend's motorcycle.

My friends motorcycle (DAX 70cc) needed some work done, so he took it to my place and we spent 3 fucking hours between buying spare parts and reassembling the damn thing. Doesn't help that he's had it since he was sixteen years old and didn't know how to pop the rear wheel back on.

Anyway, after putting it back together and smoking some cigarettes I decided to ask him if I could give it a whirl. Mind you, never before In my fucking life have I ridden a motorcycle, only cars.

Five fucking seconds after I hopped on, I crashed into a motherfucking wall. I tried to brake but turns out I forgot to let go of the accelerator.

I fell and after the shock and adrenaline had passed, I had to face the fallout: I scraped my elbow (not too bad) and bashed my left knee against the wall. I didn't break a bone but it's swollen like a watermelon, I'm expecting bruises tomorrow too.

The motorcycle? It started leaking gas from a gas line and the front light cover (plastic) shattered.

Its not terribly expensive to fix but it fucking sucks still.

TL;DR: I crashed my friend's motorcycle into a wall. Both me and the motorcycle are kinda fucked up right now.

UPDATE: fuel line is fixed, the bike works just fine, also ordered the plastic bits, this should be nothing but an anecdote in a week or two. It's going to cost me about 30$ which for a broke ass college student in south America is a decent sum of money. Oh well, FAFO as Americans like to say.