[IOS] [~2016] animal town sim?

I’m not sure when it would have been released but I know that I used to play it on an iPad in 2016/2017 or later. Basically it was an animated game with this town full of I believe animal-like or animal characters but they were all bipedal. The format was 2D I believe. You would check on them and there were different shops/areas you would go to and complete quests for. There was some sort of fishing mini-game. I think you could purchase/craft pieces of clothing and give them to characters to wear? And I remember distinctly there being a meter at the top of the screen that you could fill somehow and it either activated like a party or a siesta? and it would flash something akin to “SIESTA TIME” on the top of the screen and then an event would take place. Lastly I believe there was some sort of plane either a button at the top of the screen or it would fly around and if you clicked it you could receive some sort of daily reward. Sorry this is incredibly vague..