[TOMT][VIDEO GAME][Circa 2010] Video Game About Avoiding Darkness

I remember my stepfather playing a video game when I was child that I would like to play myself. It seemed to be a decent game, but I cannot find it online. It revolved around a man in a world where darkness was deadly, potentially due to monsters that could only exist in the dark. I remember that there was one part, likely near the end, when the man arrives in a room where an older lady had illuminated the entire place with strings of lightbulbs to keep the darkness out. That is the only part that I remember with certainty. I think that the main character may have needed to save his wife and child, but I may be confusing it with similar film or video game plots. I think that he had to make his way through a road tunnel at one point, and I seem to remember him needing to navigate a garden.

It was a third-person, three-dimensional game with realistic graphics. For some reason, I have been unable to find it online despite the information that I know, likely due to the fact that a lot of the horror genre utilises darkness to create suspense, which is clouding the results. It was on the Xbox 360.