Unwanted comments about my child’s size…

Lately, when I am out and about with my daughter we have been receiving comments about her size that are completely out of line, imo. For example, as we departed one of her gymnastics classes, a couple old ladies approached to say how cute she is, but then went on to say “you can tell she is going to be a wide girl.” I was so shocked that I kind of froze and then walked off. Another person approached us at a toddler group to comment on how she has a big belly and must eat a lot. We also get many variations of “you are so slim and she is so big…” “that baby is bigger than you are…” I don’t want her to think about her body size in relation to other people’s…I want her to love herself and her body for all the amazing things it can do and I find these comments that draw attention to her size upsetting and inappropriate. Now that she is almost three she definitely understands when people say these things. I don’t want her to think it is okay for others to feel entitled to comment on her body in this way, but also don’t want to draw her attention to these sort of comments by telling people off when they say such things. I was a chubby little kiddo and I remember people making similar comments about me and hearing these things was definitely harmful to me at the time. I feel helpless to prevent it and am unsure if responding in any capacity is actually the right move- any advice would be appreciated greatly!

Background info…

She was chunky as a baby and now is a chunky lil’ toddler and I have exactly zero problem with that because she is extremely active, strong and healthy. She can do some pretty incredible things with her body- she is agile and is really skilled at climbing and balancing. She has a healthy diet and her pediatrician has no concerns. We try to instill the values of body positivity in her as much as possible ❤️