Someone PLEASE Give Me an Answer: How Long Can Molars Take to Come In?????

Guys I’m at my wits end. My youngest is 19 months old today. Over the last four or five months she has steadily become more and more picky which I’m aware is typical. However, she is an extremely… And I mean EXTREMELY, slow teether.

It has taken her incisors 4+ weeks to come in. Six weeks ago, her top molars finally started to erupt. They are still only halfway through. As of about 10 days ago, the lower molars have started to poke through as well, just the first tiny little nubs, with no visible progress.

On top of everything else, she is dealing with a little stomach bug she caught from her sister this last week. She’s eating maybe a handful of dry Cheerios, sometimes microwaved sweet potato fries from Costco, and maybe a couple strawberry bites. I can’t get her to eat anything else. Rice is a no go, bread is a no go, no meat of any kind, including chicken nuggets. All veggies are now out.

I feel like I’ve been giving her pain meds daily for months on end. If you look at my post history, I recently had her evaluated for speech and some concerns that I had regarding her picky eating. The evaluation was a disaster and despite the cluster fuck that was the evaluation, they determined that she was not delayed enough in any areas to qualify for services.

Someone please please please give it to me straight. How long has it taken for your toddlers to fully have their molars come in? My eldest had trouble with teething, but it never took this long and her eating never stopped. I just don’t know how much longer we can expect to go on. I’m worried and anxious and I feel like despite feeling like something‘s wrong, all signs are pointing towards “normal”, however she’s not eating, her sleep is disrupted, and she is generally morose and unhappy all the time.