What signs to look out for an underdeveloped toddler?

My toddler just turned 2 a couple weeks ago and theres a lot that we havent gotten good at. Shes not potty trained which is my fault since i havent sat down to explain to her the toilet and i think she might be ready since sometimes she does tell me if she did #2. She doesnt like to drink from a straw or sippy cup although she knows hows to but i dont know how to strain her from the bottle since she goes to sleep with it which leads to me to problem number 3. She wakes up about 2-3 times at night to drink water or milk since shes not eating properly throughout the day which im on a wait list for occupational therapy to see if that will help. She does speak which i think its pretty good for her age shes counting to 10 in english and to 5 in spanish and there are certain things that she will understand only in either language. Ms rachel has definitely helped a lot w her english although i try to limit screen time. My concern with the talking is that sometimes she will point rather than talking although she does try and we just cant understand her. Is she behind? Am i delaying her? How can i help? She tells me when shes hungry or a bottle and when she wants a bath or a walk outside. Im just unsure of the “standards” for toddlers. Shes also able to tell me basic body parts in both languages like head or belly and all her senses.