Does anyone else wish The Traitors was an entirely different show?

Don’t get me wrong - I love The Traitors!! But I think the show would be better if they changed literally everything about it.

Casting: nobody has ever expressed this totally original opinion before, but casting celebrities is bad!!1! We all know that every person who has appeared on a reality TV show is a billionaire that doesn’t need the money. I wanna watch the poors fight for the cash because they actually need it unlike those rich Americans! I liked when the US version cast 10 random people with no personality, they should do that again instead of people that provide entertainment value. I hate when people have personalities.

Round Table: this is another hot take nobody else has said - faithfuls are bad at banishing traders. Like, can’t they just watch the show to see who got tapped on the shoulder? I think they should announce everyone who voted for a traitor after the banishment and give them a shield. That totally won’t make the cast find out all the traders in 3 episodes! And if it does, the traitors are mean and lie anyways so they deserve it. It’s so hard for faithfuls to win, it’s not like they won 2 out of 3 UK and US seasons or anything.

Editing: I think the show would be better if we didn’t know who the traitors were. They should also sabotage the missions for a separate prize pot while we’re at it. What’s that? This is already a show that exists and has a format better suited for this kind of editing? I could watch that, but I’d rather have every show be catered to my tastes instead of just watching the show that already exists. Also, I hate how we actually get insight into why the traitors are making the decisions they’re making, I’d rather the show not make any sense so I can play along and pretend I’m on the cast.

I totally love the show, but I also think it sucks and everything should be changed. I think making a 3000th thread on the subreddit saying this will definitely make the producers change it!!