I’m worried about my top surgery

I’m 26(FTM) trans man am getting top surgery on Wednesday. Last week I got a phone call from my surgery handler saying my insurance denied my surgery. Which confused me because it was previously approved. When I tried to ask more she basically gave me, “I don’t know what to tell you, it’s denied”. So I called my insurance and they told me it wasn’t denied. Just that my surgeons office set the wrong date. Jan 26th rather than February 26. My doctor’s office just needed to resubmit it with the correct date. When I realized the mistake, I called my handler back who basically said, “Nope, that’s not it. It’s just denied. I can send you over to our finance department and you can work out something.” I told her over and over what the insurance had told me but it sounded like she didn’t believe me.

I go back and forth with my insurance and surgeons office and at one point nearly had both on the phone but the handler didn’t pick up. Finally get the handler back on the phone and she resubmitted it.

Now it’s a waiting game of if they’re going to approve it again. To them, my insurance, it looks like I already had the surgery and I explained to them I hadn’t. My date is coming up and I’m so worried about having to reschedule it because of issues that were out of my control.

I couldn’t call this weekend because my insurance office and surgeons office are closed. I’m just afraid I won’t be able to get it because of a mistake someone else made.
