Is it normal to question your own name choice?

So I'm 25 m2f, been out with friends for about 2 years, I did a lot of thinking and chose Hanna as my name (still not legally changed) and like, I still think it suits me and is pretty and always looks 'right' written down, but recently I've been poked with little thoughts of doubts like I settled on that because I couldn't think of a better one? like there is a name I'd like more somewhere nebulously out there and just haven't found it yet? and even if I did I'd feel weirdly awkward about changing it now, and what if after a while I feel the same way about that name?

Sorry for the long ranty-ness but Is any of that at all 'normal'?

Edit: Thanks for the responses, I feel better knowing it's not at all an odd thing to do.