Central American public transport is bad

I have went to Central America and yes, it‘s home to cities that have even worse public transport systems than US cities. In my opinion, you can get around any part of Central America by bus, but public transport there is bad. Most buses currently running in Central America are too outdated, gas-guzzling, not environmentally friendly (they are used school buses mostly from the United States and Canada), unreliable, dirty, slow, and too hot. There is almost a total lack of commuter railway systems in Central America.

Sure, public transport in Los Angeles, USA is bad, but Managua, Nicaragua‘s public transport is my least favourite public transport system in the Americas. Sure, they may cover all of Managua, but it lags behind other cities in the Americas like São Paulo, Mexico City, Vancouver, and even Buenos Aires. How come Managua refused to improve public transport?!?!

Guatemala City: They may have a BRT system, but in my opinion, it can be slow at times. Guatemala City, in my opinion, is walkable, but public transport in Guatemala City is so poor.

I would not count Mexico as part of Central America. Mexico is part of North America.