“What are the odds” travel story? Share yours
Couldn’t believe what just happened on my travels this week and thought I would share with y’all.
My wife and I were flying southwest back from New Orleans thru Dallas to Oakland last Wednesday. Before boarding they announced there would be about 5 empty seats on the flight so just make friends because the middle seat would be taken. So wife and I board and take the window and middle seat leaving the aisle open for someone else to join. A man who was seated a few rows ahead of us had headed to the back of the plane to place a bag and started to go back to his seat when traffic made him stop and he sat down next to us, waiting to be able to move forward to his original seat.
So he sits down next to us and we start talking and joke that he can just stay until the flight is loaded up so we can get the extra room, which he ends up doing. Awesome and I assume this is the end of this single serving friendship.
Fast forward to today and I am standing in the security line at the San Jose airport and who is there a few in front of me in the security line but this same guy, who is too far away to say something too but still I am laughing to myself.
Get thru security and he is sitting on a bench and I walk up to him and before I can say anything he sees me and says did you get that whole row to yourselves?!? And we shook hands and laughed and went on with our days.
The chances of flying into one airport and out of another at the exact same times made for a fun day traveling.
What are yours?