I was driving and got a odd ride in a weird pick up, it was at a park that was closed for a few hours already. I then got a call from the rider and they claimed to be Uber Support. The hook was that they where doing a survey to determine if I was the legit uber driver using the account. (the only reason I let this go further was because I was recently accused of having someone else driving under my account, which was false) I give them my phone number and then they hang up telling me that someone else will be in contact with me shortly. I get a call a few seconds later asking to confirm my license plate and then proceeded to tell me that I am eligible for uber platinums $200 dollar reward. I never heard of this and thought you only get a bonus for getting diamond for the first time. My curiosity heard them out. They then asked if I use the weekly pay out or the uber Pro card, I told them the uber pro card and then this is where it gets interesting. Usually Uber will just auto add reward money right to your account but the scammers wanted me to add another card to my connected accounts. The only reason to have this is to direct deposit your uber funds into your real bank account. But whatever free money! Now this is where most people would be like “dude this is obviously a scam” but i wanted to know how far this goes. Eventually they also told me to take out the 150 dollar “back up” so they can “refill it” and also transfer me 50 dollars. (gotta maxamize those scam profits) and that was the last step to then send everything over. they told me to transfer funds and to put all my money into that card. I asked questions but kept getting cut off. saying everything in their mind to get me to finalize the transfer and that was when I hung up.

anyway, dont be as stupid as me to go that far unless you have a fun plan and please dont be more stupid than me and actually give all your money away.