Saving German crew members?

I’ve been playing this game on and off for a few years now. Started playing following the new updates.

Earlier today I attacked a convoy and was joined by two other Uboats. They kept the destroyers busy while I picked off the cargo ships. Love it.

Anyway, one of the uboats got into a spot of bother with depth charges going off everywhere around them and they must’ve done an emergency surface because they popped up next to a corvette. The enemy guns started blasting and made short work of our brave comrades.

But to my surprise, two lifeboats appeared filled with surviving crew members of U-100. I’d never seen that before, is it a new feature or have I been playing with my eyes closed?

No sign of officers sadly but saved as many of the crew as I could.

Sadly there was no special mention of saving the crew when I got back to port - hopefully it’s something that’ll be added in later updates. It’d be so cool if you had the option to tow them back to port or report their position for friendly ships to pick them up.

Just thought I’d share!