Referencing agency refused unredacted bank statements — interested to hear thoughts from some LLs.

I'm in the process of moving to a new home (or trying to) and as part of the process, they want six months of bank statements. This is in addition to my tax returns (I've sent them six of these showing a stable, increasing income over six years).

I redacted the bank statements so that they only show income sent to my personal current account from my business current account. They're pushing back saying they want unredacted bank statements. I've never had this issue before. I always redact statements during referencing because quite frankly, it's absolutely not the business of some tenant referencing middleman what I spend my money on and how much I have in my account. Nor is it the business of the landlord.

Is this bullshit par for the course now? I've not moved rentals in three years. I am not giving them unredacted bank statements. They can blow me. My tax returns, proof of income, landlord reference, and the fact I earn 2x the minimum amount required to rent this place should be more than enough.