Where would you start with prenatal natural birth education?

My goal is an unmedicated hospital birth (or at least a non-epidural birth) and I want to be as educated and prepared as possible to try and make this happen. This is my first so I don't have any personal experience of birth! That being said, I'm not necessarily opposed to an epidural or interventions, if it turns out to be the right choice for me and baby.

Here's my "issue": I will most likely be induced at 39W (if baby doesn't come sooner). The induction is actually the piece I am the most anxious about - I want to be prepared to navigate an induction without an epidural, if possible! Baby is also currently breech and has been for at least the last 10 weeks (I know from getting ultrasounds, I am currently almost 30W). So if he doesn't turn, I'll end up with a scheduled C-section (and of course there is always the possibility of an unplanned CS, especially if something doesn't go as planned with the induction!). So I am looking for some kind of prenatal birthing education that is comprehensive of all possibilities (if something like this exists!).

We did take a full-day class at our hospital - which was actually really informative in terms of the stages of birth, what comfort measures the hospital has on hand, when to come in, what types of induction measures may be used, etc. But it definitely did not get into unmedicated birth. I have very limited in-person classes in my area, so I am looking for something virtual if possible. I am open to books, classes, videos, and paid options (if the cost is worth the content!) I just don't really know where to start!!