Love is not everything.

Everyone is always talking about how it's the ultimative goal to get a partner, maybe kids ect. but that's not true. I think our society is deeply wrong in that point. First I wanna say, that it's ok if it's your personal goal, but it's fact, that a lot of humans get influenced by society and it's values. (And no I'm not heartbroken or shit, I am literally in a relationship myself.) So maybe think if this is really what YOU archieve or just what society tells you is the ultimative goal.

In my opinion our view on love is wrong. We want it so bad, that a lot of people get blind on their way trough life. We should focus more on our own happyness and don't define us trough others. Of course it's okay and normal that we want company, it's a natural need after all. But we still need to change something on our view. I think we should start to treat love as a luxury thing, that happens parallel to our own path. If it's happening: Great. If not: That's totally okay too and your not missing out. No pressure. The goal of life should be our own happyness and there are SO many ways to archieve that on our own. Happyness are moments of life, I honestly think nobody can be happy all the time. We need to celebrate our happy moments more, even if they are small.

Love shouldn't be the ultimative goal, because nobody can guarantee you that it will happen. Honestly, it's very random and luck based, because it's always about two persons. It doesn't matter how much you do, if the other humans don't fall in love with you. And no, the right one does not come for everyone, that's the sad reality. We need to worship the love we can archieve more. That's why we need to treat it as something way more special. It shouldn't be a common thing, because this only results in pressure for other people. It's unrealistic to have such a unstable goal. And as I said, if it's happening that's very great for you and you are lucky.

We need to work on our own happyness. That's a lifegoal. To be able to live happy without a romantic relationship. It's not everything. And it's true, that love is more probably when you don't force it and don't search for it.

And before you leave a comment here, think about my words.