The normalization of sugary drinks is absurd and disgusting
Think: Starbucks drinks that are basically milkshakes, soda, and bubble tea.
People drink these things like they’re water. They drink them daily, too! As if it’s some kind of biological need. It’s sad that adults are going to Starbucks at 6am for their morning milkshake (that they “can’t live without”), kids are drinking their daily added sugar limits in one “boba tea,” and people down soda like it’s water.
Then, these are the same people to complain about the health and weight problems they have. Maybe if they didn’t guzzle their daily limit of sugar in 5 sweet drinks a day, they’d be alright.
Can we just normalize not having dessert multiple times a day? Can we normalize drinking pure WATER when we are thirsty, and black coffee when we need energy? Trust me, you’ll be fine without your daily boba tea or frappuccino or whatever the fuck…