A Guide to Campus Jobs (Winter 2023)
I crowdsourced some of the best on-campus jobs (especially ones with downtime where you can get some homework done). Check them out:
- Be a Membership Services Assistance (MSA) at any of the gyms (IMSB, CCRB, NCRB) - this one you just swipe people in and depending on the shift you can get some homework done. Here’s a link to learn more: https://recsports.umich.edu/employment/
- Be an Auxiliary Facility Supervisor (Aux Sup) - manage Elbel Field, Palmer Field, Mitchell Field & the Coliseum. Tasks: opening the facility, deal with trash, work with rental groups, be the first on site in case of a major injury or accident. You can make $16.50-$18.50 an hour and there’s definite down time for studying.
- Be an IA or TA - this pays around $20/hr depending on your school but can be pretty competitive to land
- Work at dorm community centers, libraries, or welcome desks
- Be a student coordinator for dining
See more over here here