Lockheed Martin CWEP Job Openings
Greetings, Mavericks:
If anyone is interested in a paid, part-time Contracts, Electrical Engineering, or Finance job at Lockheed Martin through the UTA College Work Experience Program (CWEP), I am the coordinator of the program, and we are currently needing applications from the following majors:
- Accounting
- Business Administration
- Communications
- Electrical Engineering
- Finance
- Human Resources Management
- Mechanical Engineering
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
Please apply through the linked website below. I will verify your eligibility. If you fulfill all requirements and you align with the qualifications + job description, then I will send your résumé to the Lockheed hiring team for review and potential interview selection. These managers are particular about the quality of the résumés and have declined multiple applicants, so please ensure your résumé is free of grammatical errors, has neat formatting, includes your major and graduation date, and has relevant experience.
For those unaware, CWEP is a talent pipeline in which full-time UTA students can work paid, part-time jobs at Lockheed Martin. The goal is for you to gain valuable work experience in your field/major, and to get a full-time job offer when you graduate. There are some eligibility requirements that you must meet such as: must be a U.S. Citizen/Person, must be enrolled full-time, and must be in good standing.
Thank you for your consideration. I wish you all the best with your fall semester!