Long Rant: Stop Vaping in the Library
Seriously, what’s with people vaping in the library? There’s a literal poster in the restroom saying you can’t vape here. Not everyone smokes, and it’s an enclosed space some people have pre-existing health conditions and shouldn’t have to deal with your fake mango fog just because you can’t wait. I don’t care if you vape do your thing but do it anywhere except the flipping library. It’s distracting, selfish, and downright disrespectful. Let the rest of us focus, breathe, and exist in peace. Let’s not forget the utter irony of this situation. You’re in a place dedicated to higher education and critical thinking, and you can’t critically think enough to realize vaping in the library is inconsiderate, unhygienic, and straight-up disrespectful? Newsflash: nobody thinks you look cool blowing clouds. You’re just a walking distraction with bad manner. So, to every library vaper out there: stop. Just stop. Take your blueberry-scented rebellion somewhere else, preferably far, far away from people trying to focus. And another thing: if you’re not off in a corner, away from others, or with your own group, don’t subject everyone to your inconsiderate behavior. We’re here to get an education how about we start acting like it and using the common sense that comes with it?